Page 27 - Poetic Journey For America's Veterans
P. 27

    Wounded warrior Honor is your due And truth is the best Way to honor you
Leon may you see Beyond all the pain The war you fought was On more than one plane
You fought for country Under the sun
But in the spirit
You fought for God’s Son
Two wars were going On at the same time One of the spirit And one of the mind
Your wounds came in The outer fight But you are a duel Soldier of the light
You have inner strength Beyond earthly flesh Through your spirit man That’s been born afresh
Leon Jesus said
It plain read and see When you fought evil You did it for Me
Wounded Warrior Honor is your due You honored Jesus Now He’ll honor you
Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 40.
When you did it for the least of these, you did it for Me.
Ephesians Chapter 6, Verse 12.
We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness.
Inspired by Leon Bornales Written November 19, 2012 • By Sam Weaver

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