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"Inadequate magnesium levels can have wide-ranging consequences for your health, so the holidays can be an especially critical time to monitor your consumption."
acid chelate forms — glycinate, lysinate or glucarate — but still offers higher bioavail- ability than oxides and sulfates.
Magnesium oxide (Multipurpose)
Oxide is one of the least absorbed forms; however, since the oxide molecule is small and compact, it delivers one of the highest percent- ages of elemental magnesium by weight. It is bonded to oxygen, something the body can readily use. Magnesium oxide is not as quickly absorbed in the intestine, which leads to its water-attracting effects in the colon. This makes it a good option for those with occa- sional constipation or digestion issues.
So, before holiday stress gets the best of you, start making healthy diet choices now and supplement with the best magnesium supplement for you!
Theresa Groskopp, a certified nutri- tionist, is the founder and president of Natural Healthy Concepts, which has an online store as well as two retail locations: 310 N. Westhill Boulevard in
Appleton and 976 E. Johnson Street in Fond du Lac. She firmly believes that the foundation of health and well- ness lies in proper nutrition. Natural Healthy Concepts carries a wide variety of professional and retail supple- ments, homeopathic remedies, herbs, natural beauty and much more!
breakdown below may help.
First, it is useful to know that magnesium
ions must be bound to another compound in order to be stable. While these supple- ments all provide elemental magnesium, they are also supplying additional substances that provide distinct benefits aside from the magnesium. So, what we’re looking at is the bonding molecule’s size, function and bioavailability.
LET’S GO OVER A FEW OF THE MOST POPULAR FORMS OF MAGNESIUM INDIVIDUALLY: Magnesium glycinate (Relaxation) Glycinate is a gentle, highly absorbable form of magnesium that best demonstrates the mineral’s natural ability to support muscle relaxation. It is bonded to glycine, an amino acid involved in protein synthesis and the transmission of chemical signals in the brain. Glycine is a large molecule, so there is less magnesium by weight; but the glycine itself is a
relaxing neurotransmitter and, so, it enhances magnesium’s natural relaxation properties.
Magnesium citrate (Digestion)
Citrate is a popular and easily absorbed form of the mineral. It is bonded to citric acid, which can support digestion with its mild laxative effect. This makes it a good option for those with occasional constipation or acid indigestion. If you do not drink plenty of water each day, be aware that it may lead to dehydration as it pulls water into the intes- tines. Since citrate is a larger molecule, there is less magnesium by weight.
Magnesium malate (Energy)
Malate is another gentle form of magnesium. It is bonded to malic acid, which acts to support cellular energy production, overall muscle performance, pain relief and mental focus. It is often recommended for people suffering from fatigue and symptoms of fibromyalgia. It is cheaper than most amino
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November 2018 | Nature’s Pathways® 31