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 Using our established contacts we are able to supply our customers with Single Malt Whisky Casks from the most renowned Scottish distilleries.
Once bottled, whisky stops maturing, therefore a distillery is required to age casks for decades before bottling takes place. As the broker, we are able to acquire casks from Scottish distilleries which allows them to free up capital which would otherwise
be tied up for many years. Once mature and ready for bottling, we sell the cask back to a distillery, which they will use in their production. The Whisky Cask Investment market has yielded 9% per year on average for the last 10 years, after fees.
“The Whisky Cask Investment market has yielded 9% per year on average for the last 10 years, after fees.”
All Scotch blended whisky must contain at least 15% Single Malt. Presently, within the Scottish Single Malt market, there is a significant shortage of casks which have been aged for more than 10 years. It is this shortage that we capitalise on. Whisky production in the 1980’s was not upscaled in anticipation of today’s global demand.
Today, Scotch whisky makes up 20% of all goods exported by Great Britain and contributes £4.8 Billion to the UK economy. The global demand for Scotch whisky is ever growing and shows no signs of slowing down.

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