Page 47 - The Next Ten Years
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 6.5.30 Well Being Walks
The site could be provided with easy gradient Well Being Walks with access to nearly all parts and taking in a variety of natural habitats. These Walks would be circular, have as their starting node the Hub, with its café and other facilities, building on the network of Woodland Walks already initiated by PTHB and incorporating the popular Well-being Measured Mile. At the suggestion received at the 2019 public engagement event, a series of sculptures could be placed at intervals along the Walk. This has already been done by the Veteran’s Group with their Marking Time sculpture.
6.5.31 Wetland Habitat, Wildlife Pond & Wild Swimming
This would be a new facility, providing opportunities for exercise through swimming and associated health-enhancing activities in a secluded and peaceful location. It could be managed by the Ecotherapy Group.
6.5.32 Women in Sheds
As with “Men in Sheds”, this would be a place for women to relax, feel comfortable and able to raise and discuss issues around mental health and other concerns. There would also be facilities for woodwork, crafts and general making, involving skill-sharing and a sharing of projects.
6.5.33 Woodland Planting
The gradual growth of native and rare specimen trees and shrubs will form a visually pleasing green belt along the western edge of the hospital site. It will also create a wildlife corridor connecting the woods to the north with the land to the south via a tunnel under the road, supporting in this way the rich natural diversity of species in the area.
"This Community Land Trust could be one of the most important developments in community ownership in Wales, and the United Kingdom. Their vision is for the community to provide long-term stewardship for local well-being, and they have the energy, leadership and partnerships to make this a reality. They will be following in the footsteps of over a hundred Community Land Trusts elsewhere in the UK, but producing something of a scale and ambition that is unique."
Tom Chance Co-CEO NCLTN
         ©Bronllys Well Being Park (CLT) Limited 2020
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