Page 39 - Carmarthenshire Skills Report 2024
P. 39

Addressing these challenges requires a
collaborative effort, involving professionals from
various fields, cross department cooperation
and a commitment to sustainable development.
Assessment of the current workforce skills is a
vital first step in understanding the current
competence and to identify the range of
additional skills / jobs or upskill processes that
are required.
Within Net Zero, competence, skills will be
required in
• Construction and Retrofit (social housing)
• Digital
• Data and Analysis
• Sensor & Monitoring
• IT and Digital Infrastructure
• App development
• Automation systems
• Consumer digital system
• Environmental Assessment
• Emissions tracking monitoring
• Emission action planning
• Social Value
• Engineers and Town planning underpinned
with Net Zero competence
• All staff to have an underpinning Net Zero
basic training.
A great start has been made with Prosiect Zero
Sir Gâr
Public Sector
Future Skills
Understanding and acting on data, Digital
processes will be critical for CCC to achieve its
development plans alongside it journey to
decarbonisation enabling digital systems to aid the
worker and consumer to have access to quicker
and smarter systems.
Potentially there is a roll for all skill levels and
demographics within this sector from technical,
managerial, planning, analysis, environmental,
sustainability through to traditional trades and
The Transformation Strategy will also require
competence upskill. Frameworks can be put in
place for change management but the workers
carrying out the change must have a good
understanding of that process and why its
Support for leaders in managing change,
ensuring decarbonisation competencies go
hand in glove with transformation and ensuring
joined up thinking and collaboration between
departments is essential. Digital services could
aid here also.
Financial and commercial thinking will be
needed for unlocking income from council
resources, creating efficiency measures and
helping school budgets, driving footfall to town
centres via diverse offerings all require
commercial thinking and not just a cut and
slash approach.
This all-poses challenges for the Public Sector
given central funding is being cut and extra
burden is being placed on Public Services,
however with correct succession planning and a
strong workforce and digital strategy, coupled
with joined up commercial thinking, the plans
are achievable, but skills and competence need
to be placed at the forefront of the process.
All LMI Data: Lightcast™
. 2024

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