P. 7
Bronze Sponsor*\u000A\u00A3500 plus VAT per annum and includes:\u000AThis package allows your company to be advertised on Senior kit and to benefit from the following:\u000A\u2022 YourcompanyLogoemblazonedonavailablekit (sleeve, collar, short etc.)\u000A\u2022 HalfpageadvertinClubprogramme\u000A\u2022 AdvertisingonscreensintheClubhousepre\u000Aand post- match\u000A\u2022 AdvertonClubWebsite\u000A\u2022 PitchsideAdvertisingBoard\u000A\u2022 AcknowledgementinallPressadvertising\u000Aand in post-match presentations.\u000A\u2022 OptionofInternationalTicketsatfacevalue.\u000A\u2022 HospitalitytableataPrematchmealforeight.\u000A\u2022 OneFullmembershipoftheClub.\u000AMatch\u000AProgramme Advertising\u000AThe cost of advertising in our Match Programme is as follows:\u000AQuarter Page \u00A350 plus VAT Half Page \u00A375 plus VAT Full Page \u00A3150 plus VAT\u000AMatch Day/Group Sponsor\u000A\u00A330 per person and includes:\u000AThis package gives sponsors the opportunity to promote their business by providing hospitality for their guests at one of the Senior home fixtures:\u000A\u2022 Acknowledgement in all press advertising and in post-match presentations.\u000A\u2022 Pre-match meal with complimentary drinks.\u000A\u2022 Programme and entry to the match.\u000AMatch Ball Sponsor\u000A\u00A350 and includes:\u000AThis package gives sponsors the opportunity to promote their business by sponsoring the match ball at a Senior home fixture:\u000A\u2022 Acknowledgement in all press advertising and in post-match presentations.\u000A\u2022 Acknowledgement in Match Programme. \u2022 Complimentary drinks.\u000A\u2022 Programme and entry to the match.\u000A Unit 2 I Barleyfield Ind Estate I Barleyfield Way I Nantyglo I Ebbw Vale I Gwent I NP23 4LU I T 01495 310212\u000A Award Winning contractor and consultant with the ability to undertake a wide range of new build and refurbishment projects for both public and private sector clients\u000A07891 839 995\\u000AINTEGRITY, EFFICIENCY, COST CONTROL, GREAT CLIENT RECORD\u000A Pitchside\u000AAdvertising Board\u000AThe cost of this board is \u00A3250+VAT the first year (this includes the board being made). \u00A3125+VAT every year thereafter.\u000AThis is an all-weather board measuring 2.2m\u000Aby 900mm with the wording of your choice and displayed around the pitch at Trefecca Road.\u000A\u2022 Acknowledgement in all press advertising and in post-match presentations.\u000A\u2022 Invitation to Sponsors Day\u000A\u2022 Programme and entry to the match.\u000ASPONSORSHIP\u000A If you are interested in sponsoring the Green, Black and Whites please contact:\u000ARobert Stephens 07964 027218 Peter Weavers 07970 139975 Robert East 07875 233236 Shan Thomas 07884 309433\u000A SPONSORSHIP 2022-23\u000A