Page 10 - Demo
P. 10
CREW MESS click box when complete
Bring cushions over to wash first
Remove everything from porthole shelf
Wash all white boxes and all condiment jars etc. Re-fill "everything". Throw away any expired food Clean toaster, microwave, butter dish
Clean sink area including coffee/tea boxes
Detail sink, use anti cal with earbud for tap nozzle
De-scale kettle and clean coffee machine and dishwasher
Clean fridges - pull everything out, wipe and disinfect inside. Use magic sponge and toothbrush Don't forget freezer and inside doors
Empty, clean, re-organise and re-stock all cupboards and drawers in the crew area
Wipe all walls and deck heads, edges, skirting boards, bin, phone, fire extinguishers, etc...
Wipe television screen with screen cleaner. Wipe under TV and clean phones
Magic sponge white corian counter and table
Clean stainless under table and plynths of sofs seats
Vacuum the whole area thoroughly - seats, cracks etc...
scrub floor with magic sponge and scrubs up to carpeted stairs
Vacuum under the seats if needed, remove leather seats
Tidy books & throw out any old ones. Also, tidy stationary box - organise, keep only essentials!
Tidy toiletry cupboard
Organise medicine cupboard
Please remember to clean galley door and entrance door and doormat
Water orchids and other plants we have on board!
Restock cleaning items under sink
Make shopping list of items missing, food/ drink, medicine, toiletries, cleaning products, use template Wipe all deck heads, walls, edge, skirting, doors etc...
Vaccuum entire corridor thoroughly and scrub floor with magic sponge, mop with disinfectant Vacuum all crew cabin carpets