Page 12 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 12

 They are:
• Brecon Beacons Tourist Association,
• Business Wales,
• Carmarthenshire Tourist Association,
• Federation of Small Businesses
• FUW,
• Lantra,
• Mid Wales Manufacturing Group,
• Mid Wales Tourism Forum,
• National Training Federation for Wales,
• NFU,
• Pembrokeshire Tourism,
• Social Care Wales,
• South Wales Chamber of Commerce
• South West Tourism Forum,
• Swansea Tourism.
1.2.2 Secondary Evidence
Secondary evidence is mainly acquired via WG published Regional LMI reports which are produced to ensure that the Regional Skills Partnerships have a consistent set of core labour market intelligence available to inform the plans. The report for South West and Mid Wales can be accessed here. This data is supported and strengthened by an economic modelling software package (EMSI) which the RLSP queries and subsequently analyses. The data utilised within this package is derived from a collection of nine government sources and recognises itself as a complete, accurate and reliable source of labour market information. The analyses from this data can be seen in appropriate areas throughout this plan.
The most crucial element of the plan development process is the completion of the planning and funding template. This is done by considering the aforementioned primary and secondary evidence gathered in conjunction with the curriculum supply information provided by WG on the full time further education and work based learning offers across the region. A key element of this stage are the discussions which ensue between providers and industry cluster chairs which results in the development of recommendations which are accepted by both parties.
1.3 Limitations and Factors for Consideration
When reading this document the following factors should be considered;
• As per the specification from WG this plan only serves to make recommendations on full time vocational provision and elements of work based learning. The RLSP appreciates that this is a small portion of the post-16 offer available within the region as it does not consider school level provision, A-level provision, the current higher education offer or adult and community learning. It is the hope of the RLSP to produce a regional plan which fully comprehends the entirety of the post-16 landscape, fully addressing these limitations in future iterations with the support of WG. This would allow for the analysis and identification of learning and career pathways which have been highlighted by employers as areas of concern.
• The employer evidence included in the sector profiles should be regarded as the views of solely the employers that the RLSP engaged with during this process (either through cluster group meetings, survey responses or interviews) and not the industries as a whole.

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