Page 26 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2018
P. 26

The four green growth indicators for Wales as proposed by the OECD are as follows;
• The environmental and resource productivity of the economy which includes greenhouse gas intensity of economic activity, resource circulation and recover and energy performance and the sustainability of building stock.
• The natural asset base which includes the implementation of good environmental management in primary industries and the condition of ecosystems.
• The environmental quality of life which is inclusive of the self-perception of wellbeing, health hazards posed by air pollution and access to culture and services.
• Economic opportunities and policy responses which includes the skills levels of the workforce and workforce participation; a particular area of interest given the purpose of this plan.
The suggested measurable indicators under economic priorities and policy responses are detailed in the table below;
Economic Opportunities & Policy Responses
Skill Level of the Workforce
• Percentage of absenteeism by pupils of compulsory school age in primary & secondary schools
• Percentage of population with no qualifications
• Percentage of 16-64 year olds educated to NVQ level 4 and above
Workforce Participation
• Rate of unemployment, people aged 16 -64
• Rate of economic inactivity, people aged 16 – 64 • Economic activity rate, people aged 50 and over
The WG has outlined its strategic objectives in relation to green growth through its document ‘the business of becoming a sustainable nation.’19
2.11 Welsh Language
Evidence suggests that the demand for Welsh language skills is very localised and depends entirely on the sector a given business operates within. Only 44 of the 262 (17%) businesses that reported skills gaps, identified Welsh language skills as an issue. To quantify this further written Welsh language skills were reported as a gap by 31 businesses and oral Welsh language skills were reported by 37.
Inference of the data suggests that sectors reporting these issues remains largely consistent with last year’s findings with the issue being most prevalent in the Health and Social Care sector, followed by Leisure and Tourism. The following sectors reported gaps but numbers were minimal – public sector, education, retail, third sector and construction.
19 The business of becoming a sustainable nation – Welsh Government - 2016
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Policy Context

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