Page 11 - Lower Chapel Show 2022
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TIMETABLE OF HORSE SECTION CLASSES\u000AENTRIES TAKEN ON THE DAY FROM 8.30AM ENTRIES ALSO TAKEN PRIOR TO SHOW DAY\u000ARING A\u000A9.45am Shetland Classes\u000A34 to 36 Followed by Championship In-Hand Classes\u000A23 to 33 Followed by Championship\u000A2.00pm Welsh Section A Classes\u000A37 to 42 Followed by Championship\u000AWelsh Sections C&D Classes\u000A43 to 48 Followed by Championship\u000AClass 49 > Foal Championship\u000AWinners of Classes 27, 38 and 44\u000Atogether with the Best \u201CLocal\u201D Foals from those Classes\u000ARING B\u000A10.15am RiddenClasses\u000A1 to 10 Followed by Championship\u000ARING C\u000A10.15am RiddenClasses\u000A11 to 18 Followed by Championship\u000ARING D\u000A1.30pm WHP & Working Hunter Classes\u000A19 to 22 Followed by Championship SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP\u000AChampions of the 7 Sections & the Champion Foal from Class 49\u000ASHOW JUMPING RING\u000A10.00am to 11.30am Clear Round Jumping 11.30am Show Jumping\u000AClasses 1 to 7\u000A54th Annual Show 9\u000A