Page 6 - Lower Chapel Show 2022
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Mr & Mrs John Smith\u000ALt Col & Mrs Russell Stafford-Tolley Mr & Mrs Adrian Steger\u000AMr Bob Lauderdale\u000AMr & Mrs J Millard\u000AMr & Mrs Gareth Davies\u000AMr & Mrs W D Davies\u000AMr & Mrs Owen Singleton\u000AMr & Mrs W J Denning\u000AMiss Julie Keppe\u000AMr & Mrs R Scaife\u000AMr & Mrs C James\u000AMiss Tessa Keppe\u000AMr & Mrs Martin Stephens\u000AMr Gareth Thomas\u000AMr & Mrs Kevin Thomas\u000AMr & Mrs David Thomas\u000AMrs Edna Thomas\u000AMr & Mrs Mike Tompkinson\u000AMr & Mrs Roger Tonkin\u000AMr Trevor Walters & Annie Lewis Miss Susan Williams\u000AMr & Mrs Plumb\u000AMr & Mrs Hadrian Wilson\u000AMr & Mrs Malcolm Wilson\u000AMrs Gill Williams\u000AMr & Mrs Brian Williams\u000AMr Gordon Williams\u000AMr & Mrs Ian Williams\u000AMr & Mrs P Williams\u000AMr & Mrs I E Williams\u000AMr Johny Williams\u000AMr & Mrs Alan Witcomb\u000AMr Darren Witcomb\u000AMr & Mrs Daniel Witcomb\u000AMr Andrew Healey\u000AMr & Mrs Colin Greengrass\u000AMr & Mrs Paul Amphlett\u000AMr & Mrs H Davies\u000AMr & Mrs Rob Jones\u000AMr & Mrs G Davies\u000AMr & Mrs Gareth Owens\u000AMr & Mrs Roger Thomas\u000AMr Roger Thomas\u000ARev Michelle Bailey\u000AMr Gareth Jones & Miss Sian Evans Mr & Mrs Michael Jones\u000AMr Lyndon Lewis & Llywela Lewis Mr Richard Rees & Kirsty Williams Mr Meirion Rees & Julia Phillips\u000AVice Presidents\u000ALower Chapel Show Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal Vice and Honorary Presidents for their support of our beloved show.\u000AWe are always looking at the list above to ensure all names are present and are trying to keep this list up to date. It is therefore not our aim to offend anyone if your\u000Aname is incorrect or missing so please contact a member of the Committee so we can rectify things for next year.\u000AMANY THANKS! 4 LOWER CHAPEL & DISTRICT SHEEPDOG SOCIETY\u000A