Page 12 - Swansea Skills Report 2024
P. 12

Stronger, Fairer Greener Wales: Net Zero Skills Action Plan (
Net Zero
Skills Action Plan
A skills action plan was launched by Welsh
Government in February 2023. It sets out a
journey for identifying skill requirements for
decarbonisation across Wales targeting key
emissions sectors.
Figures from the Department for Energy Security
and Net Zero show carbon dioxide emissions in
Swansea have dropped 42.4% from a total of
1,575 ktCO2e in 2005 – when data is first
available – to 906 ktCO2e in 2021, however this
drop does exclude pollution from sources such
as motorways and large industrial plants
This was the equivalent of 3.8 tonnes of CO2
emitted per person in 2021
However, local authority emissions across the UK
have dropped 39% since 2005, including a
significant fall in 2020 at the height of the
coronavirus pandemic.
However, there was an 8% increase between
2020 and 2021 as the UK came out of lockdown
and economic activity resumed.
In Swansea, this meant a rise of 6.6% from 851
ktCO2e in 2020
Great strides are being taken in Swansea, but
this work must continue and employers across
the county need to be taken on that journey..
Local Authority GHG Map (

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