Page 20 - Swansea Skills Report 2024
P. 20
Conclusions &
1. Delivery of the Sector Deal Target – UK offshore
wind industry has the potential to employ in excess
of 104,000 people by 2030, albeit with the growth in
workforce demand projections outstripping the
pace of growth in current workforce numbers
2. Job Roles and Skills – the offshore wind industry
requires a higher proportion of Technical and
Professional trades than other sectors. Additionally,
the majority of roles in offshore wind industry
require science, technology, engineering and maths
(STEM) skill, highlighting the importance of young
people pursuing STEM subjects in education.
3. Consultation, local industries must engage with
the Net Zero Consultation process.
4. Skills must be considered now for the 5 cogs to
6. Plumbing and electrical jobs in Swansea are in
decline, this trend needs to be reversed
7. Manufacturing skills will be key for the new Batri
facility estimated to supply 1,000 new jobs. Existing
industries need to be prepared to deliver supply
chain support to emerging energy and
decarbonisation markets.
8. Local Swansea businesses need to consider their
labour force and be prepared for any Leakage &
Displacement to emerging markets. Bear in mind
demographic challenges and focus on higher
productivity (GVA) per head, placing focus on digital
Some displacement will be beneficial for example
from the oil and gas intensive industry, and this also
needs to be considered for upskill and reskill.
9. Upskill pathways must be encouraged to ensure
the relevant skills and competence are embedded in
the current workforce
10. Education & industry to work closely to
understand the skill succession, investment in skill
requirements and technology requirements they
require for a just transition
11. Develop a Workforce Strategy and Update
Sector Ambitions – providing a shared plan for
industry around which it can coalesce.
12. Attraction, Recruitment and Retention –
developing a compelling offer for the
workforce, including through a step change in
apprenticeships with additional skill
competences in green technologies
13. Educate and Engage Young People – to
promote the Energy sector and decarbonisation
of industry to the next generation.
14. Focus Effort on Critical Occupations –
ensuring the industry tackles the skills and
recruitment to the roles industry needs most
and engaging with those training providers who
will help us to do so.
15. Diversity and Inclusion – reaching the widest
possible talent pool and promoting inclusive
working cultures in organisations.
16. Work Collaboratively with Clusters for Place-
Based Solutions – where strategies and plans
delivered at a national level work hand in glove
with tailored, impactful local solutions.
17. Improve Future Sector Data Collection – aim
to increase survey returns from across small and
medium-sized businesses, to aid the skills
planning required.