Page 21 - Brecon v Ammanford
P. 21
Developing future talent.
Alan Taylor
Forwards Coach, Brecon RFC.
Last season started slowly for the youth as they struggled with numbers and faced formidable sides. By November squad numbers increased and they got stronger and started to compete in games. After Christmas they were in a competitive league, going on to win 6 out of the next 9 games and finishing third in the league.
This season nine players have moved into Senior
We would like to thank Leigh and Dale for their rugby, and we have gained 12 players from last
efforts the last few seasons.
years under 16’s so squad numbers are looking
We are still recruiting new and old players, so if Pre-season started slowly due to holidays, but
anyone is interested in joining, please come we have consistently had 15 players each week.
along to trainings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The emphasis has been on developing skills,
enjoymentandgameplay. Theplayershave really started to understand the way we are looking to play this season.
This season sees the youth playing in Cardiff Region North 1 league for Phase 1. Results in Phase 1 will determine seedings for Phase 2. We will also have Blues Cup rounds before Christmas.
Coaches and Management
Forwards Coach Alan Taylor
BacksCoaches JonBowen&DanEdwards TeamManagers LaineSkinner&AshleyGould Captain AlfieThomas
ViceCaptains JoelPrice&GwilymWorkman
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