Page 90 - Sensor-1 Big Catalog
P. 90

Closing Wheels
90 www sensor-1 com
Prices are subject to change without notice MOHAWK
Mohawk Wheels
compact the soil better than straight-fingered wheels It feathers the the the soil fin in the the the furrow with its wide track design and is made to to work in tough soils Mohawk spikes are made of heavy duty cast steel for longer wear and they penetrate 1” deep to not disturb the the seed ZIPPER
Zipper Wheels
share many features with with the Mohawk They are are designed to to break up compaction without being too aggressive and work in in no-till or or conventional soil The spike’s tubular design allows it to release mud and eliminate plugging The spike’s angle design does not flip or or throw soil out—it allows for accurate release 

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