P. 13

 Let?s build on this. Unique to all the other religions of the world, Christianity is grounded on the ontological concept and reality that God makes His habitation within the lives of each believer. It needs to be stated clearly that our Lord Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit, dwells within us. It follows therefore, that when the Father sees the Son in us He is pleased just as He was at the Baptism of the Lord Jesus. The question is, how does the life of Christ exhibit itself within us?
There was a wonderful truth that was so strongly highlighted in the Reformation. When the Father looks upon us He sees us, not bound in the darkness of our own sin, but He sees the Righteousness of Christ imputed to us. This imputation, coming through the agency of the Lord Jesus Christ, is defined as, ?He who knew no sin became sin so that we would become the righteousness of God.?
Certainly another more existential answer to that same question is this. When the Father sees us choose to ?ride on a donkey?in the matters of our life, He is pleased because He sees His Son.
Whichever answer we choose to emphasise, we all agree that our faith is a faith of humility, of rejection of status symbols, and a pathway of victorious Hosanna?s that will be discovered by denying self.
This narrative is bathed in symbols of humility. The King of Kings riding into Jerusalem on a donkey creates a dramatic picture of Spiritual Authority in contrast to symbols of status and power. As we think of our lives today, let us be a people that project and reflect those symbols by the way we live, the way we speak, and the choices we make inside our hearts.
Eucharistic Socialism is: The richness of the humility of Our Lord Jesus Christ exhibited in the life of His followers distributed to the watching world.

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