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ITA – Italian Trade Agency
ITA – Italian Trade Agency is the Italian
Government Agency officially tasked with
supporting international business develop-
ment of Italian companies and promoting
the attraction of foreign investment to Italy.
With a motivated and modern organiza-
tion of offices in 74 countries and a total
coverage of 133 countries around the wor-
ld, ITA provides information, assistance,
consulting, and training to Italian small and
medium-sized businesses in addition to
using the most modern multi-channel pro-
motion and communication tools to assert
the excellence of ‘Made in Italy’ globally.
Chicago Office
401 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1720
Chicago, IL. 60611 USA
T. +1 312 670 4360
Miami Office
1 SE 3rd Avenue, Suite 1000
MIAMI, FL. 33131 USA
T. +1 305 461 3896

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