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A Parent’s Safe and Sound Story: Katy Nebeker
Not many people notice a rural farming community in Southeastern Utah. That is of course, unless that town is your home. Three of my five children were at school when I first heard what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Another small town that felt like a world away from me, but unmistakably familiar.
Sandy Hook and other school shootings opened my eyes to the fact that our tight-knit community was not protected because of its isolation—but at risk. Our ‘never lock our front door’ mentality extended into our schools where literally anybody could just walk through those doors. That realization sparked my initial interest into school safety, but without any clear direction on how to fan that spark into a flame.
In 2013, I found Safe and Sound Schools and discovered a plethora of ideas, tools, resources and experts to guide me. I participated in trainings offered specifically for parents that introduced me to the entire spectrum of school safety, which is so much deeper than my original concerns about an active shooter.
Today, the skills and tools I’ve accumulated not only help me in my job as a parent educator for special needs students in the district, but directly into the walls of my very own home. I was shocked to learn that my special needs son had been having suicidal ideations. Despite my initial panic,
I was grateful for the opportunity I had to participate in the Self Harm and Suicide Prevention training through Safe and Sound. Without fully realizing it, I was ready to help a child through a life threatening crisis—not someone else’s child, but my own. I was able to work through my own fears and was able to respond appropriately and even what to ask for from our school moving forward.
I started my journey into school safety because I didn’t want my story to be one of ‘What if’s’. Thankfully, I’ve been able to learn and grow and bring what I’ve gained to benefit our entire community. It has not been easy, it has not been fast, but it has definitely made an impact on all of our safety and well being.
 National Summit on School Safety | Safe and Sound Schools 30

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