Page 14 - HCMA The Bulletin Winter 2020
P. 14

Alliance News
Volunteers Needed
Michael Kelly Alliance Past President
   It is that time of the year again when the HCMA Alliance, the HCMA Physi- cian Family Alliance, looks for volun-
This coming February will once again see our Alliance spon- soring our Go Red for Women fundraising event. So look for no- tices of this annual event that raises money for our HCMA Foun-
 teers for various leadership positions. Are you interested in joining our leader- ship team?
This coming year, we have vacan- cies for President-elect, Secretary/Trea- surer, Community Outreach Committee Chair, and Event Planning Committee
Chair. Please let us know if you are interested in any of these posi- tions.
As you know, our Alliance mails to each member quarterly copies of the “Physician Family Magazine”, and, by the time you are reading this article, you should have already received your Fall edition. This magazine is written for and by physician fam- ily members and provides excellent information and advice for practicing physicians, residents, fellows, and medical students and their families.
Recommended Rejuvenation (continued from page 14)
have been lucky to have toured much of this world but can’t think of another place I would rather return to. After October, the area settles into a long winter season only to reopen the following May - ready to rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul.
God Bless.
Begin your 2021 Alliance membership by contacting Elke Lu- bin at the HCMA ( or 813.253.0471) or watch your mail for your invitation to join.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
Bill Butler and Michael Kelly preparing an Alliance mailing.
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HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 66, No. 3 – Winter 2020

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