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Executive Director’s Desk (continued)
taining office decorum and seamless day-to-day operations. Their collaborative efforts make up the essential “team” I’m so very for- tunate to supervise and I extend my sincere appreciation for all their hard work and dedication.
• Elke Lubin, Executive Assistant & Managing Editor of the The Bulletin. Elke’s long-term service to the HCMA extends over 35 years.
• Jean Repass, HCMA bookkeeper, has been employed for 9 years.
• Anni Blackwell, Project & Event Coordinator, began her em- ployment 21⁄2 years ago.
•Asta Orthman, Membership Coordinator, recently cele- brated her 1-year anniversary at HCMA. I am delighted she joined the HCMA team.
To celebrate Administrative Professionals Day, I decided to do something a bit different this year. I hired a virtual painter who, for 90 minutes, tried her best to help us create a work of art. Prior to beginning our artistic undertaking, we set the mood by putting on our painting aprons and fashionable berets. We then set up our easels, canvases, and paints but not before covering the HCMA boardroom table with an appropriate painting cloth. Our chosen painting was entitled “Splash of Paradise.”
We enjoyed a fun-filled evening amidst sighs, self-criticism, and tons of laughter about our painting talents. Except for Anni dabbling in paints with her preschooler, the rest of us have zero experience and somewhat dreaded the outcome of our wishful masterpieces.
When it was all said and done, it was unanimous that we keep our day jobs!
Photos displayed on page 34.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 69, No. 1 – Summer 2023

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