Page 22 - Bulletin Fall 2024
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   Active Members: Matthew Baron, MD
Internal Medicine Moffitt Cancer Center 12902 USF Magnolia Dr. Tampa, 33612 813.745.3123
New Members
Retired Member: Vinay Mehindru, MD
Emergency Medicine
Ahmed Fadil, MD
Pulmonary Medicine
The New York Doctor
2727 W. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Suite 760
Tampa, 33607
Robyn Schickler, MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology Planned Parenthood of SW & Central Florida
236 E. Bearss Ave.
Tampa, 33613
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Optimizing Your Practice (continued)
factors carefully to ensure your network aligns with your pro- fessional goals and patient care standards.
Tampa Bay Integrated Health (TBIH) offers a centralized RN Case Manager, Social Worker, and Data Analyst to support your office and patient needs. With more than 20 years of experi- ence, their support staff is well-equipped to assist your practice in achieving shared savings goals. TBIH’s expansive network helps meet care gap requirements in imaging, cancer screenings, eye exams, and avoidable ER admissions. Additionally, TBIH has negotiated special fee-for-service rates with CIGNA and OS- CAR, providing further financial benefits to our members.
Practitioners’ Corner (continued from page 20)
 and the 25th edition of the Goldman-Cecil Medicine, a text- book that is comparable to these two books. Tyson had one author, Harrison’s 5th edition, 138 authors, and Goldman- Cecil’s Medicine, 25th edition, 469 authors. Again, there are more than twice as many words in the 5th edition of Harrison’s book from which I studied, and approximately 50-60 times more words in the Goldman-Cecil book versus Tyson’s Prac- tice of Medicine. Likewise, Tyson has 127 illustrations; the 5th edition of Harrison, has 181 illustrations; and the Goldman- Cecil’s 25th edition, has more than 3,000 illustrations, many of which are video in nature.
Medical school core curriculums, by necessity, are much more complex today than in the past just because of the amount of medical knowledge. This has resulted in a mul- titude of specialties and subspecialties, not only in internal medicine but in every specialty.
What does this mean? First, medical students and residents still have to be educated in the basic fundamentals of medical science and clinical medicine. Second, it is absolutely essen- tial to perform a competent history and physical examination. Also, it is important for the physician to arrive at a meaningful differential diagnosis in a cost-effective manner. Third, phy- sicians need to know what they know, what they don’t know, and how, where, and when to obtain additional help for the patient. This means that the physician or other healthcare professional must take the time and make the effort to ensure that the patient receives timely and competent care. These fundamentals are still essential to the practice of medicine.
*This is essentially a shorter version of Goldman-Cecil’s Medicine.
**Dalan Smallwood, first-year internal medicine resident, USF Morsani College of Medicine.
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 70, No. 2 – Fall 2024

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