Page 7 - HCMA Fall 2022
P. 7

President’s Message (continued)
of the practice of medicine, we must continue to foster the art of medicine. It is the art that keeps us fulfilled and allows us to en- dure in our quest for healing. The science of medicine feeds the mind, the art feeds the soul.
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  From: Aileen Colucci
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 10:31 AM
To: Debbie Zorian; Elke Lubin; Anni Blackwell Subject: HCMA Inauguration Dinner May 10th Importance: High
Good morning, Ladies –
Thank you again, for inviting us to join you all at the HCMA Inauguration Dinner last night! It was an honor to be able to attend and sponsor such a special event. All of the time and ef- fort that was put into this evening did not go unnoticed. You all did a FANTASTIC job, as usual! It was truly a great event. We were very impressed with Dr. Crooke and know she will pro- vide amazing leadership in the coming year. We look forward to future growth with HCMA and the MCMS Insurance Trust!
I hope you all have a great day!
Aileen Colucci
Account Manager, GBS North Florida
    Please tell the advertiser you saw their ad in the HCMA Bulletin!
 HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 68, No. 2 – Fall 2022

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