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Editor’s Page (continued)
as bone loss. Historical proof exists that dentists had drills and extractions were performed. We can only imagine how excru- ciating the pain must have been without the use of modern-day anesthetics.
How about a shout out to Dr. Long, and a special Doctors’ Day wish?
Things that make you go, “Hmmm.”
Researchers at China’s Nanjing University, reports the New York Post, found that people suffering from irritable bowel disease have 50% more microplastics in their stool than those without the condition. The findings show correlation, but not causation, but the study does hint at a link. According to one estimate, humans ingest a credit card’s worth of plastic a week.—What’s in your stomach?—Editor.
Have kids who love to pillow fight? Well, pillow fighting has now reached the level of pay-per-view TV. Pillow Fight Championship of Florida will attempt to counteract the vio- lence of boxing and MMA with combatants armed with nylon queen-size pillows. League CEO, Steve Williams says it’s not to be laughed at and is “serious, hardcore swinging with spe- cialized pillows.”—The Week.
Letters to the Editor can be submitted to:
David Lubin, MD
Spiral Corn Typewriter Corn
With warmer weather ahead, we’re all going to start grilling more. One of the Lubins’ favorites is to grill corn-on-the-cob, but Dr. and Mrs. Lubin have a dispute on the proper way to eat the corn. One says in a “spiral” fashion, and the other “type- writer” style. Without divulging who prefers which method, send Dr. Lubin your preference for this informal “corny” survey. Email it to him at We’ll let you know survey results and the Lubin preferences in the Fall Issue.
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 68, No. 1 – Summer 2022 9