Page 11 - 2023 Winter HCMA Bulletin
P. 11

Editor’s Page (continued)
FMA also did not comment on Dr. Ladapo’s appointment. I would also guess there are doctors in the FMA who are on both sides of the fence, hence the neutrality.
It’s been clearly shown that getting vaccinated will prevent se- rious illness and death in over 90% of those vaccinated. A paper published in October 2022 by the National Bureau of Economic Research, and authored by three Yale University researchers, looked at “excess deaths” - the number of deaths in a given
time period that is in excess of the number that was expected - from January 2018 until January 2022. They included Ohio and Florida in the study. Rates for both Democrats and Republicans were the same until vaccines were released, and then the rate for Republicans was 76% higher than that of Democrats. Florida had the second-most vaccine-preventable deaths, 29,200, and the 13th-highest rate, 1,694 per million residents. Ohio had the fourth-most deaths, 15,875, and the ninth-highest rate, 1,742 per million people.
Maybe the title of my column should be, “Why I get it now.”
Editor’s note: My column reflects my opinion and not neces- sarily that of other HCMA members, leaders, staff, or Board of Trustees. Any comments will be considered for publication in a future Bulletin.
 Letters to the Editor can be submitted to:
David Lubin, MD
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 HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 68, No. 3 – Winter 2022 11

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