Page 15 - Bulletin Spring 2024
P. 15

Bridging the Gap (continued)
April to October 2023, over 950,000 patients who had quali- fied for Florida Medicaid for the last three years have now lost that coverage. (Florida Health Justice: Status of Medicaid Re- determinations, n.d.; National Health Law Program: Problems with Florida’s Medicaid Unwind, n.d.) In Hillsborough Coun- ty, many of these people who would have fallen through the cracks are able to enroll in the HCHCP to obtain care again.
Currently, enrollment in the HCHCP is approximately 15,000 individuals. We’re still trying to spread the word to en- sure more eligible patients, including those affected by Medic- aid unwinding, are aware of the plan. For eligible county resi- dents to join the HCHCP, the application process is relatively straightforward, involving patients submitting proof of both income and assets via an online portal.
I still think about my kidney cancer patient from time to time. I’m glad she was ultimately connected to the resources she needed. But we know not everyone is this fortunate. Phy- sician awareness and activism will be essential to get more
patients enrolled in the HCHCP and hopefully multiply the reach of county health programs in the years to come.
As doctors, we can be a powerful voice in service to those on the margins. More often than not, the uninsured and un- derinsured are the folks for whom we can be advocating the loudest.
If you’re interested in learning more about supporting Hill- sborough County’s efforts for our most vulnerable neighbors, please don’t hesitate to reach out. After all, no matter our cul- tural, racial, or economic backgrounds, we can always see a little of our moms, dads, aunties, and uncles in those faces sit- ting across from us. Let’s never stop fighting for them, even beyond the exam room.
Dr. Neil Manimala is a urologist with Florida Urology Part- ners and currently serves as the Young Physician Representative for the HCMA.
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HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 71, No. 4 – Spring 2024 15

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