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nual Meeting
egates from the HCMA joined over 300 other ties around the state at the 2019 Annual Meet- n to being able to procure up to date continuing give input in the policies that the FMA chooses to legislators and some of them may eventually
d this year by the HCMA. The LWCC is a blend ver 70 delegates, that speak and vote with one
he HCMA or not, I hope that you can see there it a priority to defend our profession and our hen they see where one needs to be made. We
the strength and benefit of organized medicine If you are already a member, maybe now is the rs Committee or volunteer to become a delegate
taking the time to volunteer to serve:
man) , Madelyn Butler, Damian Caraballo, Mi- y Dedea, Stanley Dennison, Mintallah Haider, tman, Radhakrishna Rao, Nicole Riddle, Abhik Trehy. Other HCMA Attendees: Debbie Zori- (HCMA President, representing FMA Dist. C).
HCMA Delegates in the FMA House of Delegates.
      Dr. Joel and Nancy Silverfield.
Drs. Nicole Riddle, Damian Caraballo, and new HCMA member, Blake Buchanan.
 Dr. Abhik Roy, Michael Cromer, and Anthony Dedea.
 HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 65, No. 3 – September/October 2019
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