Page 22 - HCMA 2021 Summer
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Practitioners’ Corner (continued)
illustrate, it can take up to five or six month to “de-cat” a home once the cat is permanently removed. Similarly, dog allergen is equally difficult to remove unless the dog is eliminated from the home. Various types of filtering systems do little or nothing to remove indoor allergens. Another common myth is that hypoal- lergenic cats and dogs exist. No such thing!
In summary, these naturally occurring pollutants cause dis- eases, some of which are serious, and all of which decrease the quality-of-life. I often get asked: “Should I cut down my oak tree? Will it help?” The answer is “no.” These pollen particles travel for hundreds of miles depending on the wind velocity and other atmospheric conditions.
What about treatment? Treatment is better now than any time in the history of mankind. There is no reason for anybody to
suffer from these allergic diseases. The science behind allergen immunotherapy also has improved immensely making it an ex- traordinarily effective treatment modality when used properly. Likewise, more and more unique medications are available and extremely efficacious. Newer biologics are now indicated for se- vere asthma, atopic eczema, and chronic rhinosinusitis, with or without nasal polyps. I always tell medical students and residents that asthma and other allergic diseases are the most treatable of all chronic diseases known to mankind. If you, your friends, or patients are suffering from these diseases, effective care is avail- able.
Every day our researchers, doctors and students are advancing health care. We spearheaded coronavirus research to prevent further infection and future pandemics. We developed 3D-printed COVID-19 nasal swabs to help end global shortages. We are participating in vaccine clinical trials and helping the most vulnerable get immunity. USF Health continues to respond to our community’s needs, pushing the reaches of academic medicine forward so that we can make life better today and beyond.
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 67, No. 1 – Summer 2021

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