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MCO Corporate Social Schools’ Sponsorship Programme My Careers Options (MCO) is an easy to complete practical their their pupils choose a a a a a a a career that best suits their their personality that be Let’s be honest some kids know exactly and that’s good but most haven’t got a a a a a and that’s MCO is an an an objective scienti cally backed Cambridge University and and Careers England and and The problem is that not all schools can afford which means some kids are bene some are not How MCO sponsorship works
Simply choose the number of schools you want to to sponsor from 1 1 to 1 1 000 AND • • We’ll feature YOUR LOGO ON OUR OUR WEBSITE & RESULTS PAGE
• • • You’ll receive A A CERTIFICATE as one of our core sponsors • • We’ll provide a a a branded POP-UP FOR THE SCHOOL RECEPTION

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