Page 13 - Annual Report 2018
P. 13

Directors’ report (continued) Directors (continued)
Evelyn Stagg
Independent Non-executive Director (Resigned 30 June 2018)
Evelyn is currently a Trainer for Educational Support RTO Diversitat Training. She holds a Certi cate 1 Vin Training and Assessment, Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety, Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration and an Advanced Certi cate in The Art and Science of Movement. She is currently a Committee member of Cooerwull Inc. and previously
a Director of the Cooerwull Centre for Leadership and Service. She was also the Banyule Volunteer of the Year in 2014. Committee member: Marketing and Business Development, Grants Sub Committee (Chair)
Interest in shares: 3,950
Peter Panayiotis Panatsos
Independent Non-executive Director (Appointed 10 July 2017, Resigned 28 February 2018)
Corporate Development
Peter works in Corporate Development focusing on organic and acquisition growth for mid to large sized companies. He specialises in the Healthcare and Financial Services sector. He has worked in corporate Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions, Due diligence and Audit. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Finance, Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and is a Chartered Accountant. He is currently working interstate but maintains a residence in Ivanhoe.
Committee member: Audit and Governance.
Interest in shares: Nil
Directors were in of ce for this entire year unless otherwise stated.
No directors have material interests in contracts or proposed contracts with the company.
Company Secretary
The Company Secretary is Russell James Hutchins. Russell was appointed to the position of secretary on 13 November 2012. Russell has more than 30 years commercial experience in the banking and information technology industries and holds degrees in both Science and Business.
Principal activities
The principal activities of the company during the  nancial year were facilitating Community Bank® 111 services under management rights to operate franchised branches of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited.
There have been no signi cant changes in the nature of these activities during the year.
Operating results
Operations have performed in excess of expectations. The pro t of the company for the  nancial year after provision for income tax was:
Year ended 30 June 2018 $
Year ended 30 June 2017 $
Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited 11.

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