Page 39 - Annual Report 2018
P. 39

Note 13. Current: Bank loans
BorrNoowtein1gs3. Borrowings Current:
Notes to the  nancial statements (continued)
Bank loans 1,066 1,10,60612
The bank loan is TahBeebnadnigkoloaannd iAs daeBlaeinddeigBoanakndLimAditeldaidMeoBrtagnakgLeimLoitaendfMacoilirtygathgaetLeoxapnirfeascility that expires
on 28 April 2023o. $n12586A,9p8r5il$a1b5le6f,9o8r 5reids ravwailasbalet 3fo0r Jruendera2w01a8s.aInt t3e0reJustnies 2re0c1o8g. nInistedreast aisnraevceorgangieserdataet rate of 5.26%.
For the year ended 30 June 2018
Note 14. ProNvNiosoitoen1s144. . PrPorovviisionss Current: Current:
Provision for annPuraolvliesaiovne for annual leave Provision for longPrsoevrivsiicoenlefoarvelong service leave
Non-Current: Non-Current:
Provision for longPrsoevrivsiicoenlefoarvelong service leave
47,538 64,780
473,45,32892 646,87,8090
1,12,020,0,000 (3(13,18,4854)5)
34,292 68,890
1,200,000 (31,845
Note 15. Issued capital
Note 15. Issued capital East Ivanhoe East Ivanhoe
1,098,386 ordina1r,y09sh8a,3re8s6fourlldyinpariyd s(h20ar1e7s: f1u,l0ly98p,a3i8d6()2017: 1,098,386) 473,010 HeidelbeHrgeDidiestlbriecrtgCDoimstmricutnCitoymEmntuenrpitryisEenLtiemrpitreisde Limited
East Ivanhoe incluEdaests Ibvoanhuos eshinacrelusdiessubeodntuos aslhl aerxeistinssgusehdatroehaollldeexristionng shareholders on Notes toNthoeteFsintoantchiealFSintatnecmiaelnStsatements
1.3:1 basis (620a,812.36:1shbarseis)(6o2n01,872J6unseha2r0e0s)9.on 17 June 2009. for the year feonrdtehde 3ye0aJruenned2e0d1380 June 2018
Heidelberg Heidelberg
1,200,000 ordina1r,y20sh0a,0re0s0fourldlyinpariyd s(h2a0r1e7s: f1u,l2ly00p,a0i0d0()2017: 1,200,000)
ess: equity raisinLegsesx:peeqnusiteysraising expenses Rights attached tRoigshtasreasttached to shares
(a) Voting right(sa) Voting rights (a) Voting rights
1,200,000 (31,845)
Subject to some limited exceptions, each member has the right to vote at a general meeting.
Subject to some Sliumbijtecdt etoxcseopmtioenlism, eitaecdhemxcemptbioenr sh,aesatchemrieghmtbteorvhoatse tahteargigehntetroalvmoteeatitnag.general meeting.
On a show of hands or a poll, each member attending the meeting (whether they are attending the meeting in person or
by attorney, corporate representative or proxy) has one vote, regardless of the number of shares held. However, where
attorney, corporatetorrenperye,sceonrtpaotirvaeteorepprroexsye)nhtastioveneorvoptreo,xrye)ghaarsdloenses ovof teh,erneguamrdblerssofosfhthareensuhmelbde. rHofwsehvaerre,swhheeldre. Haopweersvoenr, where a person
a person attends a meeting in person and is entitled to vote in more than one capacity (for example, the person is a
attends a meetinagttiennpdesrsaomneaentdinigs eintpietlresdontoavnodteisiennmtitolreedtthoavnooteneincmapoarceittyh(afnoroenxeamcaplaec,ithye(fpoerresxoanmispalem, tehme pbersaondishasmaelsmober and has also
member and has also been appointed as proxy for another member) that person may only exercise one vote on a show
been appointed abseepnroaxpypfoirnatnedotahseprrmoxeymfboerra)ntohtahtepremrseomnbmear)ytohnaltypeexresrocnisemoanyeonvolytexoenrcaissehonweovfohteanodns.aOsnhoawpolfl,htahnadtsp.eOrnsoanpoll, that person
of hands. On a poll, that person may exercise one vote as a member and one vote for each other member that person
may exercise onemvaoytexaesracismeeomnbeevroatendasoanemveomtebfeorraenadchonoethveortemfeomr ebaecrhthoatthperermsoenmrbeeprrethseatntpsearsodnurlyeparpepsoeintsedasadttuolyrnaepyp, ointed attorney,
represents as duly appointed attorney, corporate representative or proxy.
corporate represceonrtpaotirvaeteorepprroexsye. ntative or proxy.
The purpose of giving each member only one vote, regardless of the number of shares held, is to re ect the nature of the company as a community based company, by providing that all members of the community who have contributed to
The purpose of gTivhiengpuerapcohsme eomf gbiveirnognelyacohnme veomteb,ereognalrydloenses ovof teh,erneguamrdblerssofosfhthareensuhmelbde, risotfosrheafrlecsthtehled,niasttuorereoflfetchtethceomnaptaunrye of the company
the establishment and ongoing operation of the Community Bank® 411 branch have the same ability to in uence the asacommunitybasasaecdocmomupnanity,baysperdocvoidminpgatnhya,tbayllpmroevmidbinegrsthoaftthaellmcoemmbuenrsitoyfwtheochoamvemcuonitryibwuhteodhtaovethceonetsrtiabbulitsehdmtoentthaenedstablishmentand
operation of the company.
ongoing operatioonnogof itnhge oCpoemramtiuonitoyf BthaenkC®obmramnucnhithyaBveantkh®e bsaramnechabhialivtey toheinsfalumeencaebitlhitey otopeinrfaltuieoncoef the ocpoemraptaionyn. of the company. (b) Dividends
(b) Dividends (b) Dividends
Generally, dividends are payable to members in proportion to the amount of the share capital paid up on the shares held
Generally, divideGndesnearaellpya, ydaivbildeetnodms aermebpearysaibnleprtopmoertmiobnetros itnhepraompourtniotnoftothteheshaamreoucanptiotafltphaeidshuapreocnatphietaslhpariedsuhpeoldnbtyhethsehmar,es held by them,
by them, subject to any special rights and restrictions for the time being attaching to shares. The franchise agreement
subject to any swpseituchbiaBjelecrnitgdthiogtosananyndsprAedcsetialrailcirdtiiegohBntsasnfaoknrLdtihmreitstetirdmicetoiobnnetasininfgosratthlaimechittimnognetbohesinhlegavreaeltsto.afTcphreion fgrtsatonocrshfuiasneredasg.trThehaetmfreanyntcbwheistdheisaBtrgeibrneudetiemgdoetanont dwith Bendigo and
shareholders. There is also a restriction on the payment of dividends to certain shareholders if they have a prohibited
Adelaide Bank LimAditeldaidcoenBtaninksLaimlimiteitdocnonthtaeinlesvaelliomf ipt ronfitsheorlefvuenldosftphraotfmitsaoyrbfeunddisstrtihbautemdatyobsehadrisethriobludteerds. tTohsehrearieshaolsldoears. There is also a
shareholding interest (see below).
restriction on therepsatryimcteionnt onf dtihveidpeanydms etontcoerftdaivnidsehnardeshtoldcerstaiifnthsheyarheahvoeldaeprsroifhtihbeityedhasvhearaephrooldhinbgiteindtesrheasrte(hsoeledibnegloinwte).rest (see below). Note 15. (coIsnstuineduecda)pital (continued)
Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited 37. Generally,ordinaGryensheararellys,aorredfinreaerylysthranressfearraebflere.eHloywtreavnesrf,etrhaebldei.rHecotworesvhear,vteheadisrecrcetotirosnhtaovereafudsiesctroetrieognistoereafutrsaentsofereogfissthearraetsr.ansferofshares.
(c) Transfer (c) Transfer
2018 22001187 2017 $ $$ $
946,881 285,51 908,4
494,491 599,13 853,5
selbaviecer rehto dna edarT .8 e selbaviecer e
91 91
dnal dloh tso
000,066 )057,86(
005,247 -
sgnid tso
735,605 )278,932(
735,605 )456,752(
stnemevorpmi dlohe tso
505,98 )779,57(
496,59 )802,08(
tnempiuqe dna t tso
697,61 )852(
059,93 )815,2(
elciheV ro tso
835,61 189,723,1
234,73 108,156,1
noitaicerped detalumucca tnuoma nwod nettirw l
8102 $$
)deunitnoc( tnempiuqe dna tnalp ,ytreporP .9 e :stnuoma gniyrrac ni stneme
000,044 000,044 - 005,761
d gninnigeb ta tnuoma gniy
000,044 005,706
tnemercni noitaula dne ta tnuoma gniy
057,706 052,195 - 057,761
sgnid gninnigeb ta tnuoma gniy
)005,61( )005,61( 052,195 005,247
tnemercni noitaula esnepxe noitaicerped :
stnemya slaurcca dna selbaviecer re
tnempiuqe dna tnalp ,ytreporP .9 e sgnidliub dna d
noitaicerped detalumucca
noitaicerped detalumucca
noitaicerped detalumucca
dne ta tnuoma gniy

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