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   Growth Deal projects underway
 Six months after signing the
historic £215 million Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal with the Government, Oxford City Council
is working closely with its partners on the Oxfordshire Growth Board
to begin delivery of the additional housing and infrastructure in Oxford supported by secured funding.
The Growth Board also includes representatives of the county’s other  ve councils, the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership and the universities.
The  rst infrastructure scheme, involving improvements to Marston Cyclepath linking Ferry Road and South Parks Road, is already complete. The Access to Headington works and a number of other projects are ongoing.
Over the coming months, further schemes will be taken forward in Oxford and across the county to improve our creaking road network and create more cyclist - and pedestrian-friendly routes.
Discussions are also under way with housing associations and other developers to accelerate the delivery of social rent and other forms of affordable housing, using money from the Growth Deal pot.
This year alone, the funding should enable work to start on at least 20 affordable homes in addition to those that were already planned in Oxford.
While individual projects begin to take shape right now at the local level, at the countywide level the Growth Board partners are also very much looking to the future, with the development of a spatial plan for Oxfordshire covering the next thirty years. /oxfordcitycouncil
/oxfordcitycouncil /oxfordcity

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