Page 154 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 154
Contraction Pronunciation
shan't ISa:ntl shouldn't /'Sudntl usedn't /,ju:sntl wasn't /,wuzntl weren't lwa:ntl won't Iwauntl wouldn't /'wudnt/
Meaning shall not should not used not was not were not will not would not
1. Do not confuse it's (= it islhas) and its (possessive).
2. Am not is only nonnally contracted in questions to aren't (BrE) (/a:nt/). I'm late, aren't I?
3. Note the difference in pronunciation of can't in British English (/ka:nt/) and American English (fkamt/).
4. Daren't, shan't and usedn't are not often used in American English.
5. In non-standard English, ain't (pronounced lemtl or lent/) is used as a
contraction of am not, are not, is not, have not and has not. I ain't going to tell him.
Don't talk to me like that - you ain't my boss.
It's raining. - No it ain't.
I ain't got no more cigarettes.
Bill ain't been here for days.
6. For the contraction let's, see 323.
7. May not is not nonnally contracted: mayn't is very rare.
144 contrary
1 on the contrary and on the other hand
On the contrary is used to contradict - to say that what has been said or suggested is not true. If we want to give the other side of a question, we use on the other hand, not on the contrary. Compare:
- I suppose the job was boring?- On the contrary, it was really exciting.
The job was boring, but on the other hand it was well paid. (NOT ••• 811 the oontf'ary, it was well paid.)
- He did not make things easy for his parents. On the contrary, he did everything he could to annoy and worry them.
He did not make things easy for his parents. On the other hand. he could often be wonderfully sweet and loving.
2 contrary and opposite
We use opposite (see 401). not contrary, to talk about contrasting words. 'Short' is the opposite of 'taU', and also of 'long'.
(NOT ••• the oontf'ary (tf 'tall' ...)
contrary 144
page 122