Page 200 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 200

 5 enough without a noun
Enough can be used alone without a noun to refer to an amount, if the meaning is clear.
Halfa pound ofcarrots will be enough. That's enough, thank you.
Enough is enough.
BUT NOT The 17IMt is ell6ttgh.
(The meat is not an amount.)
6 enough + infinitive; structure with for
We can use an infinitive structure after enough. She's old enough to do what she wants.
1 haven't got enough money to buy a car.
Infinitives can be introduced by for + noun/pronoun.
It's late enough for the staffto stop work.
There was just enough light for us to see what we were doing.
7 It's small enough to put in your pocket, etc
The subject of the sentence can be the object of the following infinitive. (For more about this structure, see 284.4.) Object-pronouns are not normally used after the infinitive in this case.
The radio's small enough to put in your pocket. (NOT ••• t6 pttt it in }'6ttr P6e/eet.)
Those tomatoes aren't ripe enough to eat. (NOT ••• t6 Me them.) However, object pronouns are possible in structures with for.
The radio was small enough for me to put (it) in my pocket. Those tomatoes aren't ripe enough for the children to eat (them).
For other examples of for + object + infinitive. see 291.
For similar structures with too and too muchlmany, see 595-596.
8 the = enough; leaving out enough
The article the can be used to mean 'enough'.
1 hardly had the strength to take my clathes off. 1 didn't quite have the money to pay for a meaL
Time and room are often used to mean 'enough time' and 'enough room'. Have you got time to look at this letter? .
There isn't room for everybody to sit down.
188 especial(ly) and special(ly)
1 especially and specially
Especially and specially can often both be used with the same meaning. It was not (e)specially cold.
2 especially meaning 'above all'
Especially is often used to mean 'above all'.
We playa lot of tennis, especially on Sundays.
especial(ly) and special(ly) 188
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