Page 203 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 203

 It's the largest picture ever painted.
He's as charming as ever.
She's the only woman ever to have climbed Everest in winter.
3 ever + perfect
Ever is often used with perfect tenses (see 455, 423) to mean 'at any time up to now/then'.
Have you ever been to Greece?
Had you ever thought ofgetting married before you met June?
4 ever and before; ever before
Ever and before can both be used to mean 'at any time in the past', but there is a difference. Before (or ever before) refers to a present event, and asks whether it has happened at another time.
Have you (ever) been to Scotland before? (The hearer is probably in Scotland.)
Ever (without before) does not refer to a present event.
Have you ever been to Africa? (The hearer is not in Africa.)
5 ever meaning 'always'
Ever is not normally used to mean 'always'.
I shall always remember you. (NOT : shetH ellel' I'€"tembel' ytm.)
But ever is sometimes used to mean 'always' in compound expressions with adjectives and participles.
his ever-open mouth an ever-increasing debt
evergreen trees his ever-loving wife
Ever also means 'always' in forever (or for ever) and ever since, and in a few other expressions like ever after and Yours ever (used at the end of letters).
I shall love you forever. I've loved you ever since I met you.
For who ever, what ever etc. see 624.
For whoever. (vhatever etc, see 625.
For forever with progressive fonns, see 472.
192 ever so. ever such
These expressions are often used in informal British English to mean 'very'.
She's ever so nice. It's ever such a good film.
For the difference between so and slIch, see 569.
193 every (one)
1 evety + singular
Every is a determiner (see 154). We normally use it before a singular noun (but see paragraph 6). If the noun is a subject, its verb is also singular.
every + singular noun (+ singular verb)
I see her every day. (NOT ••• ellery days.)
Every room is being used. (NOT ErJety F66m are ...)
every (one) 193
page 171

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