Page 284 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 284

How old are you?
Are you deaf? I asked how old you are/were. It win be windy tomo"ow.
It would be nice ifI could see you again.
He said it would be nice if he could see me again.
It might be too late. Iwasafraidthatitmightbetoolate.
It must be pretty late. I really must go.
She said it must be pretty late and she really must go. You needn't pretend to be sorry.
I said he needn't pretend ...
indirect speech (5): advanced points 278
INDIRECT: The forecast said it will/would be windy tomo"ow.
We are more likely to change the original speaker's tenses if we do not agree with what he/she said, if we are not certain of its truth, or if we wish to make it clear that the information comes from the original speaker, not from ourselves.
The Greeks thought that the sun went round the earth. (NOT ••• that the 3ftfl g8e3 fflunti the eanh.)
She just said she was fourteen! I don't believe her for a moment. He announced that profits were higher than forecast.
3 modal verbs in indirect speech
The modals would, should, could, might, ought and must are usually unchanged after past reporting verbs in indirect speech. This is also true of needn't (see 366) and had better (see 230).
First-person shall and should may be reported as would in indirect speech (because of the change of person). .
DIRECT: We slullUshouid be delighted to come.
I NDIRECT: They said they would be delighted to come.
For had ro as a past of must. see 358. 360. 4 reporting 'Shall I ..• ?'
S conditionals
After past reporting verbs, sentences with ifand would are usually unchanged. DIRECT: It would be best ifwe started early.
I NDIRECT: He said it would be best if they started early.
However, if-sentences that refer to 'unreal' situations can change as follows. DIRECT: IfI had any money I'd buy you a drink.
INDIRECT: She said ifshe had had any money she would Iulve bought me
a drink. (OR She said ifshe had any money she would buy ...)
There are different ways of reporting questions beginning Shall I ...?, depending on whether the speaker is asking for information or making an offer.
SIulU I be needed tomo"ow? (information)
He wants to know ifhe wiU be needed tomorrolU. SIulU I carry your bag? (offer)
He wants to know ifhe should/can carry your bag.
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