Page 305 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 305
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-ing forms (5): after nouns and adjectives
the idea of getting old; tired of listening
Some nouns and adjectives can be foUowed by -ing forms ('gerunds'). A preposition is normally used to connect the noun/adjective to the -ing form. Nouns/adjectives that are foUowed by -ing forms cannot usually be foUowed by infinitives (see paragraph 3 for some exceptions).
I hate the idea ofgetting old. (NOT ••• tke itiea tB get BltL)
The thought offailing never entered his head. (NOT The th6ftght tB J'iJil ...) I'm tired oflistening to this. (NOT :'m arM t6 listen ...)
She's very good at solving problems. (NOT ••• gBBtl t6 S6lve ...)
Unfortunately there is no easy way to decide which nouns and adjectives can be foUowed by -ing forms. It is best to check in a good dictionary.
purpose: a machine for cutting
For + -ing fonn can be used after a noun, or after an indefinite pronoun such as something or anything, to explain the purpose of an object or material - what it is for.
A strimmer is a machine for cutting grass and weeds. Have you got any stufffor cleaning silver?
I need somethingfor kiUing flies.
This structure is mostly used to talk in general about types of object and material. When we talk about somebody's purpose in using a particular object, we are more likely to use an infinitive (see 207.2).
I must find something to kill that fly.
-ing form or infinitive
After a few nouns and adjectives, we can use either an -ing form or an infinitive. Normally there is little or no difference of meaning (see 299.13-16 for some exceptions).
We have a good chance ofmaking I to make a profit. I'm proud ofhaving won / to have won.
For be used to .. .ing. see 605.
For infinitives after nouns and adjectives, see 284-285.
-ing forms (6): without breaking; before starting
after all prepositions
When we put a verb after a preposition, we normally use an -ing form ('gerund'), not an infinitive.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. (NOT ••• with6ttt t6 break eggs.)
Always check the oil before starting the car. (NOT ••• be}6Fe tB 3MN the Mr.) We got the job finished by working sixteen hours a day.
He's talking about moving to the country.
They painted the house instead ofgoing on holiday. (NOT ••• imfeati t6
gfr...) ~ page 273
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-ing forms (6): without breaking; before starting 298