Page 330 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 330

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last, the last, the latest
last week, month etc; the last week, month etc
Last week, month etc (without tile) is the week, month etc just before this one. If I am speaking in July, last month was June; in 2006, last year was 2005.
The last week, month etc is the period of seven/thirty/etc days up to the moment of speaking. On July 15th 2006, tile last month is the period from June 16th to July 15th; the last year is the 12 months starting in July 2005. Compare:
- I was ill last week, but I'm OK this week. (NOT I ttIf13 ill fl'te lttst week ...)
I've had a cold for the last week. I feel terrible. - We bought this hOllse last year.
We've lived here for the last year, and we're very happy with the place. The difference between next and the next is similar. See 375.
the last three ... etc
urs crl Sat Sun Mon Tu
the last week
",,5 Fri Sat SUfi M~on
Note the word order in expressions with numbers.
I've been busy for the last three months. (NOT • . . fer the three lttst months.)
We generally say the last few days/ weeks etc, not the last days/ weeks etc. The lastfew days have been busy. (NOT The lttst .,,5 ..•)
the last in a series
The last can also mean 'the last in a series'.
In the last week of the holiday something funny happened. This is going to be the last Christmas I'll spend at home.
latest and last
We can use latest to talk about something new, and last to mean 'the one before'. Compare:
- Her latest book's being published next week. (NOT Her lttst book . ..)
Site thinks U's much better thall Iter last one.
- He's enjoying Itis latest job. (NOT He's ellj6)'i,'I:g his lttst job.)
But it doesn't pay as much as his last one.
For tenses with This is tile last time . .. etc, see 591.
last, the last, the latest 314
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