Page 336 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 336
life: countable or uncountable noun 324
Let the prayers begin.
Let our enemies understand that we will not hesitate to defend our territory. Your boyfriend's going out with another girL -Let him I don't care.
Note the structure with let + the infinitive of there is.
Let there be no doubt in your minds about our intentions.
324 life: countable or uncountable noun
When we talk about life in general, or about a kind of life, life is normally uncountable.
Life is complicated. Ann enjoys life.
I think I would enjoy city life. (NOT ••• a eity life.)
When we describe particular people's lives, life is normally countable.
My grandmother had a hard life. (NOT ••• htttl httrd life.) My mother's parents lived interesting lives.
For more about countable and uncountable nouns, see 148.
325 like: verb
1 not used in progressive forms
Like is not usually used in progressive forms (see 471).
What do you think ofthe soup? - I like it. (NOT ••• I'm liking it.)
2 not used without an object
Like cannot normally be used without an object.
How do you feel about ballet? - I Wee it. (NOT ••• { like.)
For exceptions, see paragraph 7 below.
3 vel}' much: position
We can use very much with like, but not very alone.
I very much like ice cream (NOT I !fety like ice eream.)
Very much does not come between like and its object (see 21).
I like you and your sister very much. OR I very much like you and your sister.
(NOT } like tJety mfteh}'6ft anti ytJftr sistey.)
4 like . . .ing: enjoyment
To talk about enjoying activities in general, we can use like .. .ing (especially in BrE) or like + infinitive.
I really like walking / to walk in the woods.
Children always like listening / to listen to stories.
To talk about enjoying something on one occasion, we use like .. .ing.
I really liked working with him on his boat last week. Like + object + verb is possible.
I don't like people phoning / to phone me in the middle of the night.
page 304