Page 376 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 376
negative structures (1): basic rules 367
367 negative structures (1): basic rules
1 negative verb forms: auxiliary + not
We make negative verb forms by putting not after an auxiliary verb.
We have not forgotten you. It was not raining. She can't swim.
Do is normally used if there is no other auxiliary verb.
I like the salad, but I don't like the soup. (NOT : like IltJt the stJUf'.)
Do is followed by the infinitive without to.
I didn't think. (NOT ,r tlitln't t6 think, : didn't Ehinkirtg or : tJitln't th6Ught.)
Do is not used with another auxiliary verb.
You mustn't worry. (NOT ¥6u .wn't ml:tSt It}(my.)
Do is not normally used with be (even when be is not auxiliary). The supper isn't ready. (NOT The sftJ'f'€f' .wesn't he reatly.)
For negative forms of have, dare, need and used, see the entries on these verbs. For the dialect form ain't, see 143.4.
For negatives without do in older English (e.g. lUke him notl. see 392.
For negative subjunctives (e.g. It's important that he not be disturbed), see 567.2.
2 imperatives: Don't worty
Negative imperatives are made with do not / don't + infinitive (see 268). Do not expect quick results. (NOT &peet tltJt •••)
Don't worry - I'll look after you. (NOT W8rry n6t ...)
Do not / don't is also used to make the negative imperative of be. Don't be rude.
3 infinitives and -ing forms: It's important not to worty
We put not before infinitives and -ing forms. Do is not used. It's important not to worry. (NOT ••• t6 Mn't W61'fY.)
The best thing about a holiday is not working.
4 other parts of a clause: not his wife, not before six
We can put not with other parts of a clause, not only a verb. Ask Jake, not his Wife. Come early, but not before six.
It's working, but not properly.
We do not usually begin a sentence with not + subject. Instead, we use a structure with it.
lt was not George that came, but his brother. (NOT N6t GetJyge eame ...) For the difference between not and no with nouns, see 382.
5 other negative words: never, seldom etc
Other words besides not can make a clause negative. Compare: He's not at home. He's never at home.
He's seldom / rarely / hardly ever at home.
We do not normally use the auxiliary do with these other words. Compare: He doesn't work.
He never works. (NOT He d6es never W6rk.)
He seldom / rarely / hardly ever works.
However, do can be used for emphasis or contrast. I never did like her.
page 344