Page 425 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 425
1 forms (regular verbs)
I worked
you worked helshelit worked etc
did I work?
did you work?
did helshelit work? etc
I did not work
you did not work helshelit did Dot work etc
past (1): simple past (I worked etc) 421
420 passives (9): My suitcase is packed
Some verbs refer to actions that produce a finished result. Examples are cut, build, pack, close. Other verbs do not: for example push, live, speak, hit, carry. The past participles of finished-result verbs, and some of their passive tenses, can have two meanings. They can refer to the action, or they can describe the result (rather like adjectives). Compare:
The theatre was closed by the police on the orders of the mayor.
(refers to the action of closing)
When I got there I found that the theatre was closed.
(refers to the state of being shut - the result of the action)
Because of this, for example, present passive forms can have similar meanings to present perfect passives.
The vegetables are all cut up - what shaUl do now? (= The vegetables have all been cut up ...)
I got caught in the rain and my suit's ruined. (= ..• has been ruined.) I think your ankle is broken. (= . . . has been broken.)
My suitcase is packed. (= ••• has been packed.)
421 past (1): simple past (I worked etc) This form is also called 'past simple'.
- Contracted negatives (see 143): I didn't work, you didn't work etc.
- Negative questions (see 368): did I not work? or didn't I work? etc.
- For the affinnative past forms of common irregular verbs, see 304.
- Questions and negatives of irregular verbs are made in the same way as
those of regular verbs (with did + infinitive).
For details of question structures, see 481l-486. For negatives, see 367-371.
For passive forms (e.g. Work was dOl/e), see 412.
2 pronunciation of -ed
The regular past ending -eel is pronounced as follows: • Idl after vowels and voiced consonants (except Id/):
10/, fbI, lvI, Iz/, 13/, Id3/, Igl, Iml, Inl, 1'0/, III
tried Itraldl lived Ihvdl used Iju:zdl failed Ifendl • ItI after unvoiced consonants (except It/):
19/, Ipl, IfI, lsI, lSI, ItSl, Ikl
stopped Istnptl passed Ipa:stl laughed /la:ftl watched lwotJtI worked IW3:ktl
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