Page 459 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 459

 prepositions (2): after particular words and expressions 449
bad at (NOT ill)
I'm not bad at tennis.
believe a person or something that is said (= accept as truthful/true - no preposition)
Don't believe her. I don't believe a word she says.
believe in God, Father Christmas etc (= believe that ... exists; trust) I half believe in life after death.
Ifyou believe in me I can do anything.
belong in/on/etc (= go, fit, have its place in/on/etc) Those glasses belong on the top shelf.
belong to (= be a member of)
I belong to a local athletics club. blue with cold, red with anger etc
My hands were blue with cold when I got home borrow: see 109.
care: see 127. clever at (NOT ill)
I'm not very clever at cooking.
congratulate/congratulations on something
I must congratulate you on your exam results. Congratulations on your new job!
congratulate/congratulations onlfor doing something
He congratulated the team onlfor having won all their games.
crash into (NOT USUALLY agaiMt)
I wasn't concentrating, and I crashed into the car in front.
depend/dependent on (NOT from OR of)
We may play football - it depends on the weather. He doesn't want to be dependent on his parents. But: independent of
details of
Write nowfor details ofour special offer.
die of or from
More people died offlu in 1919 than were killed in the First World War. A week after the accident he died from his injuries.
different: see 155.
difficulty with something, (in) doing something (NOT ditliettlties to •..)
I'm having difficulty with my travel arrangements.
You won't have much difficulty (in) getting to know people in Italy.
disappointed with somebody
My father never showed if he was disappointed with me.
disappointed with/at/about something
You must be pretty disappointed with/at/about your exam results.
raJ discussion about something
We had a long discussion about politics.
[to] discuss something (no preposition)
We'd better discuss your travel plans.
divide into (NOT ill)
The book is divided into three parts.
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