Page 520 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 520

unnatural/ungrammatical repetition
When we refer again to a person or thing that has already been mentioned, we normally use a pronoun instead of repeating the original noun phrase. When the reference is very close to the original mention, repetition (unless there is a special reason for it) is usually not only unnatural, but ungrammatical.
What's Rachel doing here?-She wants to talk to you. (NOT ••• Raehel wants f8 talk f8 16U.)
We got that cat because the children wanted it. (NOT We g6t that eat beeattStl flle ekiltJrten ttJtJnfeti {{Me me.)
Dad's just cut himselfshaving. (NOT Dttd'sjr:tSt eut Dad: shatJing.) This kind of thing happens with other words besides nouns.
1don't smoke. -1 tWo (NOT .•• {smtJ/ee.)
Do you know ifthe bank's open?-1 think so. (NOT I miltle the hank's tJpen.) She's staying at the Royal Hotel, so we said we'd meet her there. (NOT • • .-86
we said we'd meet her at the RtJyal HtJtel.)
However, repetition is necessary and normal when alternatives are discussed.
Would you rather have potatoes or rice?- Rice, please. Shall we dance or go for a walk?'" Let's go for a walk.
For more details, see In-182 (ellipsis) and 539 (so). duplicated subjects and objects
We do not very often repeat a subject or object with the same verb.
That wall needs painting.
(More normal than That wall, it needs painting.)
1saw my uncle yesterday.
(More normal than My uncle, 1 saw him yesterday.)
However, this kind of repetition can happen in informal speech, when people announce a topic and then make a sentence about it (see 513).
That friend ofyour mother's - he's on the phone.
Those bicycle wheels - 1 think we ought to put them in the garden shed. And sometimes a pronoun subject is repeated by a noun phrase 'tag' after the sentence (see 514).
She's a clever gir~ your Anne. related verbs and nouns
We usually avoid putting related verbs and nouns together.
- We made wonderful plans. OR We planned wonderful things. (BUT NOT Vie pltullred I:tf(jntJerfttl plttns.)
- She wrote an interesting paper. OR She did an interesting piece of writing. (BUT NOT She Wf'tJte an interesting pieee tJ{ writing.)
There are some fixed expressions which are exceptions (e.g. to sing a song, to live a good life, to die a violent death).
repetition 500
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