Page 571 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 571

 some and any 547 Before of, or with no following noun, some is pronounced /SAm/.
some /sAm/of us Would you like some /SAm/?
7 contrast with others etc
Some (pronounced /SAm/) can have a more emphatic meaning, contrasting with others, all or enough.
Some people like the sea; others prefer the mountains. Some of us were late, but we were all there by ten o'clock. I've got some money, but not enough.
8 an unknown person or thing
Some (jSAm/) can refer to an unknown person or thing (usually with a singular countable noun).
Some idiot has taken the bath plug. There must be some job I could do. She's living in some village in Yorkshire.
We can use this structure to suggest that we are not interested in somebody or something, or that we do not think much of him/her/it.
Mary's gone to America to marry some sheep farmer or other.
I don't want to spend my life doing some boring little office job.
9 some party!
In informal speech, some can show enthusiastic appreciation.
It was some party!
10 with numbers
Some (jsAm/) with a number suggests that the number is high or impressive. We have exported some four thousand tons of bootlaces this year.
For somebody and anybody, something and anything etc, see 548. For some time. sometime and sometimes, see 549.
547 some and any
1 indefinite quantities
Both some (see 546) and any (see 55) can refer to an indefinite quantity or number. They are used when it is not easy, or not important, to say exactly how much/many we are thinking of.
I need to buy some new clothes. Is there any milk left?
2 the difference
Some is most common in affirmative clauses. Any (used in this sense) is a 'non-affirmative' word (see 381), and is common in questions and negatives. Compare:
I want some razor blades. (NOT 1 waitt any rtlZ;(Jr blades.)
Have you got any razor blades?
Sorry, I haven't got any razor blades. (NOT 86r'1, {MfIt:ft't gBt offline ...)
For other uses of any, see 55.
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