Page 601 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 601

 intensifying adjective/adverb (used to emphasise an emotion)
damn(ed) sodding (BrE)
bloody (BrE) fucking
goddam (AmE)
Bloody has no literal taboo equivalent in modem English.
Examples of use:
That car's going damn(ed) fast. She's a fucking marvellous singer. Where's the bloody switch? Put the fucking cat out!
It's bloody raining again.
When these words are used before verbs, the word well is often added in British English.
I damn weU hope you never come back. Fm not fucking weU paying this time. It's bloody well raining again.
j miscellaneous
Fuck (up), screw (up) and bugger (up) (BrE) can mean 'ruin', 'spoil' or 'destroy'.
Somebody's fucked up the Tv.
You've buggerwl my watch.
Fucked and buggered can mean 'exhausted' (BrE).
Want another game oftennis?"'"No, I'm fucked. Screw (especially AmE) can mean 'cheat'.
Don't buy a car from that garage - they'll screw you.
Cock up (BrE), balls up (BrE), fuck up and screw up can be used as verbs or nouns to refer to mistakes of organisation. (When used as nouns, they are often written with hyphens.)
That bloody secretary's cocked up my travel arrangements. Sorry you didn't get your invitation - Mary made a balls-up. The conference was a complete fuck-up.
Wel~ we really screwed up this time, didn't we?
Balls (BrE), bullshit (AmE), cock and crap are used to mean 'nonsense'. What's his new book like?"'"A load ofballs.
Don't talk crap!
In American English, shit can mean 'lies' or 'nothing'.
Janie's getting married. - No shit?
He don't know his ass from a hole in the ground. He don't know shit.
Buggerlfuckldamnlsod all are used in British English to mean 'nothing'. There's fuck all in the fridge. We'll have to eat out.
In British English, pissed means 'drunk' and pissed offmeans 'fed up'. Steve was pissed out of his mind again last night.
Fm getting pissed offwith London.
In American English, pissed is 'annoyed', 'angry'.
Fm pissed at him because of what he's been saying about me.
A sod ofa ... means 'a very bad .. .'
It was a sod ofan exam. It's a sod ofa place to get to.
For infonnation about slang. see 533.
taboo words and swearwords 575
page 569

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