Page 634 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 634

 2 It scratches easily
The intransitive structure is used with a lot of verbs that refer to things we can do to materials: for example bend, break, crack, melt, polish, scratch, stain, tear, unscrew.
Be careful what you put on the table - it scratches easily. (= You can easily scratch it.)
These glasses are so fragile: they break ifyou look at them. The carpet's made ofa special material that doesn't stain. The handle won't unscrew - can you help me?
610 verbs with two objects
1 indirect and direct objects: I gave John the keys
Many verbs can have two objects - usually a person and a thing. This often happens with verbs that are used to talk about transferring or communicating things from one person to another, or doing things for somebody. A few other verbs are also used in this way. Common examples:
bet get make bring give offer build kick owe buy leave pass cost lend pay
play sell post send promise show read sing refuse take
teach tell throw wish write
The thing that is given, sent, bought etc is called the 'direct object'; the person who gets it is the 'indirect object'. Most often, the indirect object comes first.
I bet you ten dollars you can't beat me at chess. He built the children a tree-house.
Shall I buy you some chocolate while I'm out? Could you bring me the paper?
The repair cost me a lot.
I gave John the keys.
Ifyou're going upstairs, could you get me my coat? He left his children nothing when he died.
Lend me your bike, can you?
I'll make you a cake tomorrow.
lowe my sister a lot ofmoney.
Can I play you my new album?
I'll post her the report tomorrow.
They promised me all sorts o f things.
Daddy, read me a story.
He sent his mother a postcard.
Let's take her some flowers.
Will you teach me poker?
We bought the children pizzas.
Throw me the ball.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Not all verbs with this kind of meaning can be used like this - see paragraph 6.
verbs with two objects 610
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