Page 677 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 677
278.3; ought, must and should 520; ought to have done 403.5; question and negative forms 403.1,4
ounce 389.18
our 441; weak and strong form 616.3 ours 442
ourselves 493
-ous (suffix) 445.4
out and out of404
out- (prefix) 445.1
outskirts plural with no singular 524.7 outward(s) 614
over and above 6; over, across and
through 10
over- (prefix) 445.1
owe non-progressive verb 471.2; with
preparatory it (e.g. we owe it to society to) 447.4; with two objects 610.1
owing to and due to 166
own 405; non-progressive verb 471.2 ox plural 524.2
page on page . .. 81.7
pair 430.3
pan- (prefix) 445.1
panicking etc spelling 562.8
pants plural with no singular 524.7 paper (uncountable) and a paper
paragraphs 406
Pardon? 545.8; Pardon me? 545.8; I beg
he was considered a genius 419 infinitives (e.g. to be taken three times
a day, nothing to be done) 91.5,
-ing forms (being done) 293.2
it was thought that . .. 417
list of structures and verb forms 412 meaning and grammar not the same
my suitcase is packed 420 passives without be in news
headlines 240.2
position of prepositions 452
verbs not used in passive 412.4 verbs with prepositions 416
verbs with two objects 415
when do we use passive structures?
past continuous see past progressive past partidples see partidples
past perfect 423-425; or simple past
with after, as soon as etc 424.1; progressive 425; simple and progressive: the differences 425.4; with be[ore97.3; with if('unreal past') 259; with suppose, supposing, what if ('unreal past') 571; with as if('unreal past') 74
past progressive forms and use 422; difference between past progressive and simple past 422.3-6
past simple see simple past
past tense instead of would ... after
conjunctions 580.6, 426.1
past verb form with present or future
meaning 426; after I'd rather etc 491.3; after if258; after if only 265; after it's time 306.2; after wisll 630.4; in polite requests, questions etc 436.1, 426.2
paths pronunciation 525.4
pay preposition 449; in passive 415;
pay for . .. to 291.7; one and two
objects 610.7
penny, pennies and pence 524.2,
people, person(s) and peoples 524.2 per (e.g. 70 miles per hour) 389.20 perfect infinitive (to have dOl/e) 280.2;
after modal verbs (e.g. You sllould
have written) 288.3
perfect -ing forms (e.g. lIaving slept)
perfect tenses 427; with after 30.3;
with before 97.3; with ever 191.3; with for and since 208.2; see also present perfect, past perfect, future perfect
perhaps position 22.3; and maybe 346 period (full stop) 473
permission uncountable 148.3
your pardon 545.7,8
parking uncountable 148.3 part without a 407
partidples (-ing and oed forms)
active and passive participles 409 after conjunctions and prepositions
(e.g. after talking to you) 411.6 after nouns (e.g. the people
questioned) 410.2
misrelated participles 411.4 participle clauses 411
past participles with by or other
prepositions 410.5
past participles with very and much
reduced relative clauses (e.g. the girl
dancing with your brotller) 498.10
used as adjectives 410
see also -ing forms
particular in particular 157.13
party preposition 450; with singular or
plural verb and pronoun 526.1 pass with two objects 610.1 passer-by plural 524.6
passives 412-420
by + agent 413
get as passive auxiliary (get caugllt
etc) 223.5
lie is believed to be . . . 418
page 645