Page 688 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 688

 use any/no use 57.3; is it any use expecting...?etc 295.5; structure with there 587.2
used be used to (.. .ing) 605
used + infinitive (past habits etc) 604;
wanna (= want to) 308.4. 613.4
want structures and meanings 613; in
negative sentences 369.4; non- progressive verb 471.2; + -ing form with passive meaning 613.3; want and will 629.8; meaning 'need' 613.3; want to not possible in passive 418.6
-ward(s) (suffix) 614
warm be warm 92.1
warn + object + infinitive 283
was replacing were (e.g. if1 was) 312.9;
if . .. was to 261.2; weak and strong
form 616.3
wash without -self493.9
watch + -ing form or infinitive 299.5;
watch. look at and see 506 way 615; expressions with no
preposition 451.9.615.1; in the same way 157.4; in/on the way 615.5; the way (that) she spoke to me etc 498.6. 615.2;wayof...ingI wayto...615.3; way ofand means of615.4
we 428-9; inclusive and exclusive meanings 429.5; we who 498.12; we women. you men etc 428.10; weak and strong form 616.3
wear be wearing 164.3
weather uncountable 148.1. 149.4;
countable use 149.3; the weather 69.4 weekends atlon weekends 312.9 weekly adjective and adverb 27.1 weigh progressive and non-
progressive uses 471.3 weight expressions with no
preposition 451.8
weight use of be 92.2
welcome to . •. 284.2; Welcome homel
back 545.9; You're welcome 545.19 well (adjective and adverb) 617;
(adverb) comparative and superlative 138; position 12.3; well and good 617.1; as well 46-47. 343. 78
well (discourse marker) well-known comparative and
superlative 137.4
well-read active past participle 409.4 well worth 632.6
Welsh the Welsh 17.2.364
were instead of was after if258, 264;
after as iflthough 74.2; after wish 630.4; was replacing were (e.g. ifI was) 312.9; were she meaning 'if she were' etc 261.5; were to in if-clauses 261.2; weak and strong form 616.3
wert older English form of were 392 west and western etc 172; capital
letters 172.3
what (question word) 622;
exclamations 195.2; questions with what as subject 486; What? (asking for repetition) 545.8; what to 277.2; what. which and who 622; what. why
and would 633.8
usual for . . . to 291.4; as usual usually position 22.3, 24.2
vacation 248
vanished active past participle 409.3 verb + infinitive 282; + for .. . to 291 verb + infinitive or -ing form 296.4;
special cases 299
verb + -ing form 296
verb + object + complement (e.g. They
elected her President) 607; passive
(e.g. She was elected President) 419 verb + object + infinitive 283; passive
(e.g. He is believed to be ...) 418 verb + object + -ing form 296.2 verb complementation what can
follow a verb? 606
verb forms in older English 392 verbs of movement she came in
running. she entered running or she
ran in 608
verbs with active and passive
meanings (e.g. I opened the door I
the door opened) 609 verbs with particles and
prepositions (e.g. break up. listen
to) 599~OO
verbs with prepositions passive
structures 416
verbs with two objects
610; in passive
vertebra plural 524.4
very 611; and so 538.2; and such 568.4;
and too 595; and very much 611; very . .. indeed 273.1; very and mucll with past participles 410.4; very best etc 140.4
very much 357.7.611; (adverb) 611.4; and very 611; position 611.4; with comparatives and superlatives 140
vice- (prefix) 445.1
view in my view 157.16
vital + subjunctive 567.2
vital for ... to 291.4
vocabulary uncountable 148.3 voice preposition 450
volcano plural 523.3
volume 389.19
voyage. travel, journey and trip 597
wait 612; wait and see etc 53.1; wait, expect. hope and look forward 196
waiter and waitress 222.4
wake active or passive meaning 609.1;
wake. awake and (a)waken 86 wank (taboo word I swearword) 575
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