Page 77 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 77

 53 and after try, wait. go etc 1 try/besure/waitand...
We often use and ... instead of to after try I be sure. This is infonnal. Try and eat something - you'll feel better ifyou do.
I'U try and phone you tomorrow morning.
Be sure and ask Uncle Joe about his garden.
Note also the common expression Wait and see. What's for lunch?"" Walt and see.
We only use this structure with the simple base fonns try I be sure I wait. It is not possible, for example, with tries, trying, was sure or waited. Compare:
Try and eat something.
I tried to eat something. (NOT " tried anti ate StJmeihing.)
We waited to see what would happen. (NOT We waited anti saw . ..)
2 come/go/etc and .. .
Come and ... , go and ... , run and . .. , hurry up and ... , stay and . .. are often used infonnally.
Come and have a drink.
Stay and have dinner. Hurry up and open the door.
With these verbs, the structure is not only used with the base fonn.
He often comes and spends the evening with us.
She stayed and played with the children. She thought ofgoing and
getting him.
3 American English
In informal American English, and is sometimes dropped after the base fonns go and come.
Let's go see ifAnne's home.
Go jump in the river. Come sit on my lap.
54 another and other(s)
1 spelling of another Another is one word.
He's bought another car. (NOT ••• an 6thet' ear.)
2 'additional, extra'
Another can mean 'an additional, extra'. It is used with singular countable nouns.
Could I have another piece ofbread?
Another can be used without a noun, or with one, if the meaning is clear from what has come before.
Those cakes are w.onderful. Could I have another (one)?
With uncountable and plural nouns, we nonnally use more, not other, with this meaning.
Would you like some more meat? (NOT ••• 6thel' meatr)
another and other(s) 54
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