Page 121 - Sociology and You
P. 121

Chapter 3 Culture 91
     Calvin’s father is trying to transmit the cultural value of competition. As usual, Calvin has his own view. What is yours?
Although Williams’s analysis of major American values remains basically
sound today, some sociologists believe that his list is incomplete. They “ would add, for example, optimism, honesty, and friendliness to the list of
major values in the United States.
 Section 3 Assessment
1. Indicate whether these statements best reflect a folkway (F), a more (M), a law (L), or a value (V).
a. norm against cursing aloud in church
b. norm encouraging eating three meals daily
c. idea of progress
d. norm against burning a national flag
e. norm encouraging sleeping in a bed
f. norm prohibiting murder
g. norm against overtime parking
h. idea of freedom
2. Sociologists make a distinction between norms and values. How are these concepts different? Support your answer with examples.
Critical Thinking
3. AnalyzingInformation Reviewthepartiallistofvaluesidentifiedby Robin Williams on the previous page. Is there a value not listed that you think should be included? What is it? Why would you include it?
No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion.
Carrie Chapman Catt American reformer

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