Page 18 - Sociology and You
P. 18

 ◆ A report should have three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction briefly presents the topic and gives
your topic statement. In the body, follow your outline to develop the important ideas in your argument. The conclusion summarizes and restates your findings.
◆ Each paragraph should express one main idea in a topic sentence. Additional sentences support or explain the main idea by using details and facts.
◆ Revise the draft into a final report. Wait for a day, then reread and revise it.
Practicing the Skill
Suppose you are writing a report on the role family income plays in the children’s educational attainment. Answer the following questions about the writing process.
1. How could you narrow the topic?
2. Write a thesis statement.
3. What are the main ideas?
4. What are three possible sources of information?
Applying the Skill
Use research resources in your library to find information on the role of the family in society. Narrow the topic and write a short report on it.
 HB-4 Sociology Handbook

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